Recently, Brandon, The Black Jew Wealth Coach Gardner, had the pleasure of sitting down with not one but three separate authors for articles about his career and his new book, How to Get Your Lick Back! A Pennsylvania Landlord Eviction Guide. The book breaks it down for you, blueprint style. This guide is your road map, your guidebook for property owners in Pennsylvania, navigating through the labyrinth that is the eviction and wage attachment process. How to Get Your Lick Back was created to relieve stress and the daunting feelings a landlord has when trying to recover lost rent. No worries, Brandon has you covered.

Take a moment to read the following articles, The Black Jew Wealth Coach, Brandon Gardner: Bridging The Culture and Real Estate Success, by Logan, which overviews Brandon’s career. The second article by Emily John for TEDx Magazine is entitled The Black Jew Wealth Coach – Brandon Gardner: Empowering Real Estate Investors through Knowledge and Experience, which talks about how Brandon has impacted many far beyond his success. Gardner has taken it upon himself to educate others through his experience and knowledge, and he has done so through his insightful books and free games on social media. Lastly, the article by Mack Delfino, The Black Jew Wealth Coach “Brandon Gardner,” is Bridging the Gap to Financial Freedom for Medium, which talks about the Black Jew Wealth Coach understanding the importance of property ownership to build wealth and achieve financial freedom. As a successful real estate investor, he recognizes that owning property allows individuals to generate passive income, build equity, and create a foundation for future generations. Property ownership provides stability and serves as a tangible asset that can be appreciated over time, securing a better financial future for families.

Give these articles a read to understand better what makes Brandon Black Jew Wealth Coach Gardner tick.

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